Web-Est Launches New Website
Welcome to the new look Web-Est website! We at Web-Est are excited to introduce you to our brand new website, designed for optimal user experience, mobile-browser functionality and an all-around cleaner and fresher look. We’d like to take the time to introduce the new site page-by-page to help users navigate around
Home Page
The first thing we would like to introduce is the home page. As with every page on the new site, its designed for easy navigation. The most important things to point out are the headers and footers that are on every page.
- The Customer Login Button is on the upper-right corner of every page, titled, “Customer Login.” Clicking on the link will take you to the customer login page and allow you to access the collision estimating platform.
- Live chat is available to all web visitors by checking on the “Chat Now” button on the right-hand side.
- Contact information to call or email Web-Est is on the upper right-corner as well as on the bottom of the page.

Also note that as you scroll down past the initial position on the page you land, a button displays to click that jumps you back to the initial view of the page.

Collision Estimating
Our collision estimating page is a simple introduction to our collision estimating software, but also a description of the products and services that we offer customers. Here we offer brief summaries of our staple service, but also Vehicle Frame Dimensions, PDR Estimating Software, free training to all customers, free usage of the program for 14-days and free technical support.

The About Us page, found under the “Resources” drop down navigation menu, is an opportunity for us to introduce ourselves as a company, prodiving a brief description of ourselves and leading to a page that displays profiles of all of our employees.

The Industry Resources is a page that lists all of Web-Est friends and associates in the automotive industry. Here you will find lists of general autobody resources, Aftermarket vendors, automotive organizations, and others. This page is designed to provide you with lists of trusted sources to look into. We hope to continue to add to this page over the years.
The Web-Est blog, also found under the “Resources” navigation tab, is the primary source we provide new updates and content pieces to share our thoughts, opinions, updates and news releases. Our previous website had three separate blogs to discuss different topics. The current blog will only be one blog with but with several filter featuers that will permit users to read different blog entries under the same categorical heading.

You can visit all of our past blog entries by clicking the link at the bottom of the page, “View Past Blog Posts.”

Contact Us
The contact us page is accessible through the navigation menu. This page is designed primarily for users that are not ready to start a free trial, have a simple question or have lost their customer login credentials. For any questions or inquiries, fill out the form and one of our representatives will get back to as soon as they can. All of our contact information is also on the page if you wish to reach out to us directly.

The training page is designed with a simple on-page interface that allows users to view videos to help them get more acquainted with the Web-Est estimating platform. The filters are set up to offer brief introductions into every important function of collision estimating. Clicking on each feature will bring up relevant videos that explains how to write an estimate, set up account profiles, create supplements and more.

Free Trial
Our 14-day Free Trial continues to be one of our staple services. Many sign up on a daily basis to get a view of our program. We offer this service to provide full access to interested auto body shops to help them make an informed decision about our service. Any user that’s interested in starting free trial need only fill in the form. We hope to continue to add more videos to this page to give more insight into the services that we offer.

Customer Login
The customer login page, by far the most important page for users, continues to be a simple interface to allow users easy access to our collision estimating software. In fact, realizing how important this page is to customers, we kept the website address the same to prevent any inconvenience to customers. New to the page, however, is the Web-Est Twitter feed. We realize that not every Web-Est user actively uses Twitter, but by posting the Web-Est Twitter feed on the login page, we at Web-Est can communicate new updates, new articles or news releases to customers whenever we release news. This allows you as a user to bookmark this important page, but for us to continue to communicate with you with inconveniencing users. Continue to observe the Twitter feed when you login to capture any news Web-Est releases.

Like Us!
Users will also notice that every page has an icon that says “Like” with a number right next to our logo. This icon links to our Facebook page and displays the number of users that have liked our page. Any user who does this performs a great service to us and we greatly appreciate it. Any users that are fans of Web-Est, we encourage you to click the icon and share a thought or two about your experience with Web-Est.